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Questions and Answers

​How long does the training take?
Hairdressing is 1650 hours, and we suggest our students expect to complete

the program in about 12 months.

Esthetician is 350 hours and we expect our students to complete this program

in 10 1/2 weeks.

What hours am I required to attend?
Students must attend class daily from Wednesday through Saturday. Most students

attend the following hours:

Wednesday 9 am-7 pm

Thursday 9 am - 7 pm

Friday 9 am - 7 pm

Saturday 9 am - 5 pm

The director may make an exception to this schedule and approve a student

to clock out at 5 pm for an evening job, but all students must attend a

minimum of 30 hours per week for full-time attendance.

​Do you have a part-time or evening program?

No, not at this time.

How much does it cost to go to school?
Hairdressing is $9,985. Please click here for more financial information.

Esthetics is $7,145. Please click here for more financial information.


How do I apply?

To be enrolled, you must:

- pass our online entrance exam

- be a minimum of 18 years old

- have either a high school diploma or a GED

- interview with the director of the school

- be accepted by the director

- make acceptable financial arrangements,

- sign an enrollment contract at least 30 days before your start date.

This process alone can take up to 30 days.

Click on this link which takes you to Enroll Here to start the process.


When does the next class start?

We start new students on the first Wednesday of most months.

Our master calendar fills up quickly.

How does your school teach your curriculum?

We teach using many layers. Step #1 is A Priori and step #2 is A Posteriori. In step #1 a priori, we use a textbook, a workbook, Milady's online test prep, theory classes, handouts, online resources, and demonstrations. This gets the information into your mind. Then, in step #2 a posteriori,  YOU must apply what you have learned. We suggest that you put this information into use within 24 hours. In doing this you put these skills into your hands. Simply sitting through a class but not putting what you learn into direct application does not teach you a skill that you will own, you simply borrow it for the length of the class. This "a priori / a posteriori" technique teaches you skills at a much deeper level so that you can be proficient in these skills after you graduate from your program.

Do you take FAFSA?

No. We do not take JTPA, DVR, Nine Star, Signet Ring, FAFSA, or Tlingit / Haida native corporation funding.

There is a lot more information regarding our programs in our student catalog which can be found HERE.



Sue asks "What is your favorite memory from your days at MetrOasis Beauty School?"
Elizabeth, Miranda, and Chelsi talk about their favorite memories at MetrOasis.
Shawna, Chelsi, and Courtney talk about their favorite memories at MetrOasis.
Nicole talks about going to Paris with us, Anatasia talks about the comraderie, Meilyn talks about our personalities, and Christina talks about the time Sigel made everyone steaks.
Cindi, Tawna, Kelly, and Sprille talking about the atmosphere, our teaching methods, and our esthetician student kits.
Bridget talks about her favorite things about MetrOasis.
Stephanie, Dyandra, and Andrea talk about how much fun everything was at MetrOasis.
Sierra and Valerie talk about a compliment I gave, Indian head massage, and the lasting friendships at MetrOasis.
Rachel, Jenn, Dusty, and Sierra talk about having amazing teachers, great coffee, and our trip to Long Beach for a trade show.
Brittany and Kasey talk about being able to talk to us easily, our patience, and an incident where Sigel portrayed the "ten cow wife".

Each year we get questions about writing off your training cost on your taxes. This is what the tax code says.


To write off your school training costs the institution must be a college, university, trade school, or other postsecondary educational institution which is eligible to participate in a student aid program run by the U.S. Department of Education. This includes most accredited public, nonprofit and privately-owned-for-profit postsecondary institutions.

MetrOasis does not participate in any U.S. financial aid programs operated by the federal government so we are not a qualifying school, so, most likely you will not be able to write your training costs off of your taxes.

Call us if you have

any additional questions!

MetrOasis Beauty School Advanced Training Center Anchorage Alaska

MetrOasis was voted the best beauty school in Alaska. Check out our esthetician program and our hairdresser training. Anchorage Alaska


Some of our reviews

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